摘要:The nutritional potential of the leaves of four African leafy vegetables namely; Corchorus olitorius (Jute mallow), Crotalaria ochroleuca (Slender leaf), Solanum scabrum (Black nightshade) and Cleome gynandra (Spider plant) were assessed by determining the proximate and mineral compositions. Results indicated that there was no significant difference in crude protein content of the vegetables. Crude fiber (2.1±0.5%), ascorbic acid (153.7±7.75mg/100g) and magnesium (56.5±0.75mg/100g) contents of C. olitorius were significantly higher than the other vegetable samples (P<0.05). However, C. gynandra was significantly higher in ash (11.2±0.49%) whereas, S. scabrum was lower in dry weight basis (12.8±0.14%) as well as vitamin C content (62.6±4.57mg/100) compared to the other three vegetables. The vitamin C and beta carotene contents of C. gynandra (104.3±6.68, 8.73±0.42 mg/100g) and C. olitorius (153.7±7.75, 7.70±0.54 mg/100g) respectively were significantly higher compared to S. scabrum and C. ochroleuca. Additionally, the fat and carbohydrate content of the ALVs was low below1.5%. Drying and cooking of the ALVs on the other hand, lead to significant loss of the nutrients especially vitamin C. As well, there was no significant difference in the composition of minerals, vitamin C and beta carotene between the shade and solar dried vegetables P<0.05. The established superior nutritional composition of these ALVs highlighted their usefulness and should therefore be used to disapprove the misconception that ALVs have inferior dietary value.L. pl
关键词:Indigenous; African leafy vegetables; proximate; mineral composition.