期刊名称:Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences
出版社:Maxwell Science Publications
摘要:In this study, sequential extraction technique was employed to determine the concentrations of copper in Guinea corn and soil samples. The copper contents of guinea corn and soil were determined using Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FAAS). The soil samples related to the guinea corn were digested and extracted using different digestion and extraction reagents. The results revealed that the soil samples obtained from various locations in Kaduna, contain varying amounts of Cu and was distributed between Residual, Oxide and Carbonate/Organic fractions. The results also showed that in some of the sampling locations, the Cu concentration in the soil was above the tolerable limit of 100 mg/kg and the ANOVA (p = 0.0070.05) showed that there is no significant difference in the copper concentrations across the various guinea corn grown soils.