期刊名称:Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences
出版社:Maxwell Science Publications
摘要:Understanding the pattern and process related to biodiversity is a greatest challenge to the science of biological conservation. Furthermore, diversity of tropical aquatic ecosystems is severely threatened by anthropogenic activities. What is more, the continuum of most of the tropical river is interrupted by several man-made activities contributing to adverse effects which hamper provision of good quality of water. Traditionally the quality of water is assessed by physico-chemical means but recent studies have focused on the use of organisms (biota) in water quality assessment for streams and lakes. Here we assessed the influence of water quality on the diversity and distribution of macroinvertebrates in Hiwane second order stream with primary objective to determine the ecological water quality status of Hiwane stream at different sampling sites using rapid field assessment screening methodology. A total of 5 sites (stream sections) were selected and 4 of the sampling sites were within the city Hiwane. However, a reference site outside of the city of Hiwane was included. There were 29 taxa of benthic invertebrates belonging to ephemeroptera, odonata, plecoptera, coleoptera, trichoptera, diptera and hirudenia, among others, recorded from the river. Among these, members of Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera were predominant in density. Furthermore, species diversity is positively correlated with water quality. Since, man-made activities has lead to depletion of biota, any human activity in the drainage area which may cause changes among physico-chemical parameter could lead to a severe impact on the benthic invertebrates of Hiwane stream river. Thus, we recommend that effluent from the town should be carefully managed.
关键词:Macroinvertebrates; water quality; hiwane; pollution; ; ;