Population fertility is a topic which arouses the most attention in the public when considering the demographic situation in Serbia. Through various institutions and mass media, there is more and more talk on the low level of births, its reasons and consequences as well as the need to solve this problem. However, the beginnings of forming a population climate are accompanied by a series of thoughts, standpoints and assertions among experts and politicians which demographers define as misjudgments. This paper tries to indicate to the six most common significant incorrect convictions which are relevant for defining and carrying out of a population policy. It is believed that highly emotional evaluation of the phenomenon of insufficient births provokes a lot of thought on this matter, reasons and solutions are sought, and the problem is even minimized due to a feeling of helplessness when facing it, even outside demographic circles, namely among highly educated people who do not have specific knowledge. Nevertheless, these misjudgements should be corrected, because the biggest problem facing the population policy is in fact connected to forming individual and social reproductive consciousness.