The territory of Belgrade city after the Second World War, has been characterized by the intensive processes of qualitative transformation concerning settling and arrangement of population, territorial organization of production and other activities. The facts that mostly influenced these processes are migrations, caused by economic movements and development. There has been a sudden transfer of agricultural population into non-agricultural activities. Participation of agricultural population in total population of Belgrade city has decreased from 29,7% in 1953 to 12,6% in 1971, and to 2,2% in 2002. Participation of active agricultural population in total active population in Belgrade city has decreased from 34,5% in 1953 to 16,3% in 1971, and to 4,1% in 2002. The decrease of the total and active agricultural population is the result of the weakened influence of demographic factors (changes in number and structure of the total and active population), as well as the greater influence of socio-economic factors. The basic tendencies of the future demographic development of agricultural population are influenced by the possibilities of its revitalization, because demographic reserves to from new working powers in agriculture are endangered.