Background/aim: Lip carcinoma makes about 1/4 of all oral carcinomas. Primary treatment of the lower lip carcinoma means radical excision of the full thickness of the lower lip tissue together with the tumor. The reconstruction of the defect accomplished after the removal of the lower lip tumor is a challenge for the surgeon and requires a detailed preoperative planning, the right choice of the method for reconstruction and the knowledge of the adequate surgical techniques needed. The aim of this study was to present a ten-year clinical results and experience concerning the reconstruction of lower lip defects longer than 4 cm by means of the modified Fries method in patients treated for the lower lip carcinoma. Methods. The reconstruction of the lower lip by means of the modified Fries method was performed in 37 patients. The following parameters were analyzed: sex, age, the time elapsed from the occurrence of the first symptoms until the first consultation with the doctor, the size of tumors, the size of the postexcision defect, TNM classification, the application of side diagnostic procedures, pathohistological diagnosis of postoperative complications. The sensibility of the lower lip region was monitored, as well as the obtained esthetic effects. Results. The results classified according to the mentioned parameters were processed, analyzed and displayed in detail. Clinical experience concerning the application of this reconstruction technique was presented and analyzed. Conclusion. The modified Fries technique can successfully be applied in the reconstruction of the lower lip defects longer than 4 cm because its application leads to satisfactory functional and acceptable esthetic results.