期刊名称:International Journal of Adolescence and Youth
出版社:Taylor and Francis Ltd
摘要:Despite great interest in recent years in research on attributions for success and failure in sport, little investigation has taken place on changing attributions for the purpose of promoting motivation or avoiding demotivation. This study reports on an attribution retraining intervention with 12 boys and girls, aged 11–12 years, selected from an initial sample of 58. Six children who rated their success on a ball dribble task as low, and had ‘maladaptive’ attributional profiles, received 20 mins of attribution retraining. Six other children, who rated themselves successful, formed a ‘no training’ group. After a retest on the ball dribble, those receiving attribution retraining showed marked increases in perceived success, clear changes in attributions, and a large increase in intrinsic motivation scores to levels beyond that for the initially successful group. Spontaneous attributions given in the retest suggested that the intervention was successful in changing attributions. No changes were shown in the ‘no training’ group.