摘要:Story retelling can be a great experience for most children. It gives children opportunities to express their creativity through retelling their favorite stories. Many children do not like to present their retellings in front of a classroom, so it is impor space in his/her classroom for children to share their retellings with a smaller group of kids. Story retelling can be used as an assessment to evaluate a child’s comprehension level. When a child is exposed to oral language at an early age, then he/she will more likely have a better grasp on language skills as he/she gets older. Many students are not exposed to correct oral language skills at home, so it is very important that teachers offer as many examples and strateg make up for their deficiency in language. Retelling offers a great deal of creative use of language skills and opportunities for children to express their individuality.
关键词:retelling; children’s stories; creativity; comprehension; oral lang;Journal of Instructional Pedagogies;Who’s old lady; Page;Who’s an old lady?;Lindsey Nicholson;University-Meridian;Frances McLaurin;University-Meridian;Kimberly Triplett;University-Meridian;important that a teacher allows a certain;guage language; individuality