出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:We present phase-referenced MERLIN 18cm observations of five z ∼ 0:2 Narrow Line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) galaxies as part of a study of the radio properties of intermediate-redshift X-ray bright AGN. The sample is based on a match between SDSS, ROSAT, and FIRST databases. The MER- LIN observations probe linear scales of about 500 pc. We do not find jet structures on kpc scales. The NLS1s turn out to have compact, radio intermediate nuclei. Using various star-formation rate indicators, we find that star formation has no significant contribution to the radio emission. This underlines the AGN nature of the compact radio emission. The radio intermediate character to- gether with the presence of blue-/red-shifted [OIII] l 5008Å emission indicate for the presence of out-/inflows, possibly related to a radio jet in these objects. A more detailed study awaits integral field spectroscopy as well as milli-arcsecond radio observations.