出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:NGC 1068 is a prototypical Seyfert galaxy, with an unusual optical spectrum detected already by [Fath(1909)]. Subsequent observation led to inclusion in the original list by [Seyfert(1943)]. With similar widths of permitted and forbidden lines, NGC 1068 was classified as a type 2 Seyfert galaxy, despite showing unusually broad lines in all transitions. Spectropolarimetry revealed permitted lines of much larger line width in polarized light. This suggested the presence of a bona-fide broad line region (BLR) hidden from direct observations by an opaque circumnuclear torus, but detectable through scattering in the optical thin regimes around the material causing the obscuration of the direct line-of-sight. Radio observations revealed two jets on sub-parsec through kiloparsec scales, but VLBI observations only found subrelativistic motion. The northern jet displays a prominent nose-cone, generally interpreted to be formed by a bow-shock driven by the jetted outflow into the interstellar medium of the host galaxy. The morphology of the polarization maps suggests compression of magnetic fields at this bow-shocks. The jet kinetic power of the system can be as high as Pjet 31043 erg s1 [Wilson & Ulvestad(1987)].