出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:Within the framework of nonrelativistic QCD factorization (NRQCD) approach, we investigate inclusive productions of two spin-triplet S-wave quarkonia at the Large Hadron Collider. The total cross sections for pp!2J=y +X, pp!2¡+X, and pp!J=y +¡+X integrated over the rapidity range jyj2:4 are 35 nb, 49 pb, and 13 pb at the center-of-momentum energy ps=14 TeV, respectively. We nd that the color-singlet channels dominate over the color-octet channels in the pp ! 2J=y +X and pp ! 2¡+X processes, while the color-octet channels may be enhanced at large transverse momentum. We nd that in the pp!J=y +¡+X process, the color-singlet channel is much suppressed compared to the color-octet channel at leading order in the strong coupling as, especially, at large transverse momentum. Therefore, the pp ! J=y +¡+X process may provide a good probe to the color-octet mechanism or give a stringent bound on the color-octet matrix elements.