出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:The equation of state of dense matter is an important ingredient in astrophysical models for supernovae and compact stars. The thermodynamical properties and the composition of matter below the nuclear saturation density is modified by the appearance of clusters and inhomogeneities. In this contribution a generalized relativistic mean-field model is presented that considers the formation and dissolution of light and heavy clusters in a microscopic approach. The model allows to describe dense matter consistently from very low densities where strong correlations are important up to and beyond nuclear saturation density where a quasi-particle description in a mean-field approach is very successful. Cluster formation affects the density dependence of the symmetry energy. This effect can be tested by a comparison of model calculations to experimental data obtained from the analysis of heavy-ion collisions. The aim of this work is to construct an improved equation of state in a range of densities, temperatures and neutron-proton asymmetries that is relevant for astrophysical applications.