In this study the effectiveness and efficacy of e- learning was evaluated through a web based approach. Two classes of elementary learners of English were selected for this study, one class received a six month instruction through the typical twice a week classes and the other one was instructed through internet, in other words, the first class did not use any web based materials such as chat rooms, emails, etc ,however, the second class did not attend classes at all except for monthly meetings with the instructor in order to unravel some loopholes they encountered in dealing with internet and e-learning. They simply interacted with their instructor through internet by emails and chat rooms, this group was taught simply by internet, for example, they mailed their writings to their teacher once a weak and the instructor gave feedback through e-mail, they also were assigned to chat every night with their classmates or native speakers and report the result to their instructor and so on. The final results revealed that the web based class outperformed the traditional class in writing, and reading comprehension, but the results were in favor of the traditional group regarding speaking performance and structural knowledge.