期刊名称:Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology
出版社:Informing Science Institute
摘要:This paper presents a case study, in which a new module, aimed at enhancing students’ employ-ability skills, is evaluated. Employability skills for graduates from higher education are regarded as essential outcomes from their degree programmes, but it can be difficult to provide appropriate opportunities to develop these skills in the context of their studies. This paper describes a new module, called Live Projects, designed to provide project based learning on campus, but involv-ing local businesses and organisations, to provide the projects and become clients for a team of students.
Evaluation of the first year of running the module was through a student questionnaire, client sur-veys and assessment by the tutors. Results showed satisfaction from students and clients with the outcomes. Students reported a positive experience, and recognised that they had developed em-ployability skills, such as team working, project management and professional skills. Clients re-ported a good level of satisfaction with the outputs from the projects, and were enthusiastic in supporting the venture, seeing the benefits employers might gain from employing students who have developed these skills. The partnership between the university and local organisations is also an important form of engagement with the local community.
关键词:Team work, project based learning, employability skills, assessment.