摘要:Spawning substrate primarily functions in determining hatching success of yellow perch (Perca flavescens). In systems lacking adequate, natural spawning substrates, the addition of introduced structures may enhance yellow perch survival. We quantified the effects of introduced conifer tree reef location, age, and type on yellow perch egg deposition to determine which factors influence yellow perch use. Yellow perch preferred to spawn on trees in inshore locations compared to trees in offshore locations. Spawning occurred on both short needle (spruce Picea sp./fir Abies sp.) and long needle (pine Pinus sp.) conifer trees in both wetlands; however, more egg masses were found on the short-needle spruce trees. Newly introduced and trees from the previous year received similar use in inshore locations. Tree reefs were effective for the two years of this study; however, reef longevity beyond two years should be examined.