摘要:We evaluated the influence of body size and light conditions on the consumption of live zooplankton (Daphnia spp.) by juvenile marron (Cherax tenuimanus.) Zooplankton consumption was examined using three marron sizes (1.0–2.9 g, 3.0–7. 9 g, and 8.0–15.0 g) with ten replicates. The impact of light on feeding was tested under three conditions (clear water, green water, and dark conditions) using marron of 3.5 ± 1.5 g, while food preference was tested by offering live zooplankton and inert pellets to 9.8 ± 2.0 g marron. Small marron (1.0–2.9 g) consumed a significantly greater percentage of their body weight in live Daphnia spp. than inarron up to 15 g. The consumption and capture efficiency on live Daphnia spp. by inarron were not significantly different between the three size classes. Crayfish showed no significant difference in consumption or capture efficiency of live Daphnia spp. in green water or dark conditions when compared to animals fed in clear water. Marron exhibited a preference for feeding on live zooplankton over a pellet by spending more time feeding on Daphnia spp. when both food types were presented.