期刊名称:Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice
出版社:University of Wollongong
摘要:Welcome to Volume 8, Issue 1 of the Journal of University Teaching and Learning. JUTLP continues to grow and submissions have increased dramatically since journal rankings were implemented in Australia. We would like to thank our editorial board and reviewers for their consistent effort and valuable feedback to potential authors. Two production changes underpin this issue. Firstly, use of new publication guidelines which can be found here: http://ro.uow.edu.au/jutlp/styleguide.html. Secondly, we welcome support for journal desktop publishing from the Centre for Academic Systems & Resources, University of Wollongong.
From now on there will be three editions per year, comprising two general editions and a further edition focused on a special issue. We would like to invite proposals for special editions for 2012 or 2013 that should include: - A possible title for the special edition, its aim, scope and areas of focus; - A brief curriculum vitae, including publications, of the chief editor and any co-editors; and - A timeline leading to publication by October of either 2012 or 2013.
Responsibilities of the guest editor(s) include reviewing the special issue papers, and provision of the final versions for publication by the end of September for the identified year. Please contact the Senior Editor if you are interested. Submissions for the 2012 special edition are required by June 30th 2011.