期刊名称:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
出版社:The National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
摘要:A line of transgenic mice that carries an insertional mutation in a gene essential for spermatogenesis is described. Males homozygous for the transgenic insert are sterile, while female homozygotes and both male and female heterozygotes exhibit normal fertility. Developing spermatids in homozygous males form prominent abnormal multinucleated syncytia (symplasts) and do not complete maturation. In addition, abnormal cytoplasmic vacuolation is commonly seen in Sertoli cells. One flank of the transgenic integration site within the genome has been cloned and used to show linkage between homozygosity for the transgene and the mutant phenotype. The flank maps to mouse chromosome 14 approximately 4 centimorgans proximal to the gene encoding esterase-10 (Es-10). As no other gene that is known to be essential for spermatogenesis has been mapped to this region of the genome and as the mutant phenotype is unique, the transgenic insert appears to affect a previously unidentified gene. We have named the mutation "symplastic spermatids" (sys).