期刊名称:Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education
出版社:Pamukkale Univ Dept Sci Education
摘要:By the 1970s a fundamental shift had taken place in German science education. This was a
shift away from the learning of more-or-less isolated facts and facets in Biology,
Chemistry, and Physics towards a restructuring of science teaching along the general
principles of the respective science domains. The changes included also the addition of
dimensions such as problem-based learning, understanding the basics of the Nature of
Science, and engaging students in the methods of science. Since then, practical work has
been solidly built into German science syllabi for each one of the separate teaching
domains in school science. However, research evidence shows that practical work is still
limited in many science classrooms. In many cases, hands-on work is only present as either
teacher demonstrations or as cookbook-style recipe experiments for pupils. The
shortcomings of such practice have also become evident in the TIMSS and PISA studies
conducted since 1997. However, the outcomes published by PISA 2000 also initiated
further change in Germany. For the first time ever, national science education standards
were introduced for lower secondary science education. In 2004, these standards
sharpened the focus of learning more prominently on how to practically carry out science
tasks. The resulting reform led to research and development activity in different fields of
innovation, among them science education practical work. This paper gives an account of
the development of practical science work in German schools and it discusses the most
prominent trends in practical science efforts in German secondary science education
which have taken place in recent years.