出版社:University of Trieste, Department of Philosophy
摘要:In this article I will try to show the relevance of the body issue in Hegel‟s Philosophy, in particular by highlighting two points of view: on one hand, the body is regarded as a “junction” between the world of Nature and that of the Spirit; on the other, the body is seen as “language”, as the expression of the Spirit. Moreover, what takes on special significance is the connection between self-consciousness and life, which makes Hegel‟s concept of subjectivity still topical in today‟s anthropological and ethical reflection. The problem of corporeality is closely interlaced with Man‟s experience in a process where the results of life empirical sciences add to the representation of what is human, and where neurobiology and the key notions of Moral Philosophy are matched in order to better explain the dialectical nature of Man torn between the body, the mind, the soul and the spirit.