The purpose of this study is to determine the intelligence factor to which the developmental change in arithmetical related. Subjects were 492 boys and girls in the grades competence of 4, 6, 7, 9 and 11. Analysis was done on the correlations between the arithmetical achievement test score and the NX_<9-15> or NX_<15^-> intelligence test score. The arithmetical achievement test, which is newly constructed for this experiment, consists of six sub-tests; numerical, quantitative, figural, functional, practical tests and test in verbal problems. Intelligence scores were indicated with SS and factor scores. The results indicated that the arithmetic achievement test has higher correlations with the verbal than with the non-verbal factor score in the 7th grade and the below, whereas it has higher correlations with the non-verbal than verbal factor score in the 9th grade and the above. This study suggests that the course of study called "arithmetic" or "mathematics" properly shows its characteristic at higher grades, and that it depends more upon the verbal factor of intelligence in lower grades.