数的能力が言語能力的要因, 知能的要因, 生活年令的要因, 生活的要因によって, どのように規定されるかを明かにしようとした。そのため, 小学校3年生104名, 6年生101名に算数科標準学力検査, 国語科標準学力検査, 古賀式知能検査形式I, 性格評定尺度ならびにunder arhiverとover achiverに対する事例研究を行った。その結果は次の通りである。(1)数的能力と知能的要因との相関は3年0.55, 6年0.40であった。(2)数的能力と言語能力的要因との相関は3年0.71, 6年0.66であった。(3)数的能力と性格的要因の相関は3年, 0.63, 6年0.57であった。(4)数的能力と生活年令との相関は3年0.09, 6年-0.03であった。
I. Problem and method : It has been held that ego develops from the outcome of continuous biosocial interaction, and that it does not exist in early childhood, evolving gradually as the child comes to mark himself off from his environment and from other person. In the process of evolving a configured ego, it is made possible for the ego to recognize himself as object. The self-concept recognized by the ego undergoes various modifications by the effect of the various frame works. This study is an attempt to clarify one aspect of the developmental process of the self as an object. The subjects are 126 children of the second grade (n=57), the fourth grade (n=37), and the sixth grade (n=32) in a primary school. The contents of investigation are their social behaviors, human relations, academic successes, and personality traits. The data collected by the means of questionnaire method are based on various evaluations as follows : self evaluation, teacher's evaluation, mutual evaluation of the children, and evaluation which each child supposes others to have for his own behaviors. II. Results : In higher grades self evaluations correlate with mutual evaluations more than in lower grades. It seems from this fact that other children's evaluations is one of the important factors to form and to evolve the self concept. Discrepancies between teacher's estimations and presumed self estimations grow lager in the 6th grade than in the 4th grade. This is because of the development of self concept which makes the ego consciousness acute. Calculating self overestimation quotients from discrepancies between self evaluations and teacher's evaluations on social behavior and academic success of children, the scores are larger in the 2nd grade than in the 6th grade, and have high negative correlation with the teacher's evaluations of social behaviors. Differences between higher grades and lower grades are also seen in huamn relations, where in high grades there is a great discrepancy between the choices of their friends in aspiration level and in reality level. Therefore it can be said that although self concept are formed by the effect of the various frame works, resistance to self evaluation appears in higher grades on account of the environmental pressures, the shifts in biosocial competence and perceptual clarity.