数的能力が言語能力的要因, 知能的要因, 生活年令的要因, 生活的要因によって, どのように規定されるかを明かにしようとした。そのため, 小学校3年生104名, 6年生101名に算数科標準学力検査, 国語科標準学力検査, 古賀式知能検査形式I, 性格評定尺度ならびにunder arhiverとover achiverに対する事例研究を行った。その結果は次の通りである。(1)数的能力と知能的要因との相関は3年0.55, 6年0.40であった。(2)数的能力と言語能力的要因との相関は3年0.71, 6年0.66であった。(3)数的能力と性格的要因の相関は3年, 0.63, 6年0.57であった。(4)数的能力と生活年令との相関は3年0.09, 6年-0.03であった。
The purpose of this study is to clarify the factors that provide the pupils′ arithmetic abilities in the 3rd and 6th grade in the elementary school. For this purpose we gave to the pupils arithmetic standardized test, national language standardized test, Koga's group intelligence test form 1 and character rating scale. Furthermore, case study was made on the over-achievers aud under-achievers with the cooperation of class room teachers. The survey was carried out from October 9 to November 16, 1954. All survey work was done by the author with the cooperation of class-room teacher. After test and rating scale had been scored, we calculated correlation coefficient by the Spearmen′s product moment method between arithmetic ability (E. A) and each factors. (1) Correlation coefficient between arithmetic ability and intelligence was 0.55 (3 grade) and 0.40 (6 grade). (2) Correlation coefficient between arithmetic ability and language ability was 0.71 (3 grade) and 0.66 (6 grade). (3) Correlation coefficient between arithmetic ability and character was 0.63 (3 grade) and 0.57 (6 grade). (4) Correlation coefficient between arithmetic ability and chronological age in the same grade was 0.09 (3 grade) and -0.08 (6 grade).