摘要:ABSTRACT: This paper investigates differences in how male and female students perceived a short message service (SMS) library catalog search service when adopting it. Based on a sample of 90 students, the results suggest that there are significant differences in perceived usefulness and intention to use but no significant differences in self-efficacy and perceived ease of use between genders. The findings reveal that SMS efficiency has a significant influence on self-efficacy for males but not for females. Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) experience has a stronger but less significant influence on self-efficacy for females but very little influence for males. Perceived usefulness is still the driving force behind intention to use for both genders. The findings suggest that factors influencing self-efficacy and its impact on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) constructs are different for each gender. The implications of these findings are discussed for both researchers and practitioners.
关键词:Keywords: Short message service, Technology adoption, Mobile search, Self-efficacy, Gender differences