期刊名称:Journal of Case Studies in Accreditation and Assessment
出版社:Academic and Business Research Inst
摘要:In the spirit of continuous improvement, universities are constantly seeking ways
to measure and enhance their effectiveness. Within colleges of business, the importance
of assessment has been highlighted recently by AACSB accreditation standards dealing
with assurance of learning. While AACSB standards focus primarily on direct measures
of student learning, indirect measures of students’ experiences can also yield important
and actionable knowledge. This paper reports on the validation of a
survey of business seniors (n = 837
students’ evaluations of their general education courses, business core/common classes,
experience in their majors, advising, and resource availability.
university, exploratory factor analysis was used to create six reliable summary indices of
students’ evaluations. This factor structure was replicated in data from the second
university. Use of instruments such as this
Keywords: Assessment, Learning
Indirect Assessment Measures
Journal of Case Studies in Accreditation and Assessment
Development of an Instrument, Page
instrument for indirect assessment of
ollege business programs
Eileen A. Hogan
Kutztown University
Anna Lusher
Slippery Rock University
Sunita Mondal
Pittsburgh at Greensburg
837) in two universities. The instrument taps into
In data from one
actor to improve business programs is discussed.