This article is a report of our attempt to form a particular pattern of verbal behavior in a child who has serious impairment of general motor function caused by cerebral palsy. Our subject is a 12-year-old girl called Yokko. As for her verbal behavior, she has no problem as a receiver, understanding fairly complicated sentences, whereas as a sender she has difficulty in communication. Her speech can hardly be discriminated and her writing is also impossible because of impairment in motor functions of her fingers. So we attempted to develop in her a sending behavioir of partioular signals...we call it commariding-to-write behavior...taking the following conditions into account : (1) She can discriminate among letters and ntimbers.She also understands. the relations between these symbols and their corresponding objedts. (2) She can do only two alternative localizing responses by her hands: (3) Her visualmotor function is good enotigh to look on over a certain space.