The purpose of this study was to find that developmental change to recognition about parental leadership behavior would be different between emotional interaction and control leadership functions and cetween ideal and real. Subjects were kindergartner, second, fourth, sixth, and eleventh graders and mothers. Results were; (1)In ideal recognition, the different developmental change showed between parent's two leadership functions. In real recognition, that showed between mother's two leadership functions but not showed between father's two leadership functions. (2)The different developmental change between real and ideal recognition showed the father's emotional interaction leadership function, but nots howed the parent's control and mother's emotional interaction leadership function. (3)The ideal recognition about parent's emotional interaction function was more than real. The real recognition about mother's control was more ideal but not about father's control. (4)The difference between real and ideal was that father showed developmental change about control and that mother showed developmental change about emotional interaction. From these results, we could find that there was a different discontinuity between reality and ideal of their parents as they grow. That is to say, the father's absence and the mother's control will develop with no connection to their age and a child feels discontinuity against father in emotional interaction and also against mother in control