摘要:This study aims to determine the relationship between the elementary school teachers’ thinking styles and their
teaching methods and investigate the teachers’ thinking styles in relation to their subject area, and gender. The study was carried
out with 57 classroom teachers and 44 subject area teachers working in seven elementary schools located in Muğla city in 2009-
2010 school year. For the collection of data, thinking style inventory and teaching methods questionnaire were used. While the
highest scores were obtained by the teachers for hierarchic, legistlative, executive thinking styles, the lowest scores were
obtained for conservative, oligarchic, local thinking styles. Moreover, their thinking styles do not significantly vary depending on
gender and subject area variables (p>.05). Except for legistlative, oligarchic and conservative styles, positive significant
correlation was found between their styles and the scores they obtained from teaching methods questionnaire.
关键词:Key Words: Elementary school teacher, thinking style, teaching method