摘要:The purpose of this research was to investigate the attitudes of prospective teachers toward drama
program implemented in a public university. Both quantitative and qualitative methodologies were benefited in this
study. Two hundred and twenty-two prospective teachers from Classroom Teaching, Science Education, Early
Childhood and Turkish Language Education departments participated into the survey. An attitude scale for
prospective teachers toward drama course was administered to all participants. Then, face-to-face voluntary
interviews were done with 14 prospective teachers from all departments, in order to gather information about their
perceptions concerning several issues in drama education. The results of the t test and ANOVA indicated that there
are no statistical differences between the attitudes of prospective teachers toward drama, considering gender and
academic achievement scores. However, a meaningful difference was observed with regard to departmental variable,
in favor of Science Education Department. Although certain problems were emphasized within the implementation
of the course, the analysis of the interviews generally showed that drama education was effective in permanence of
learning, providing positive learning atmosphere, developing communication skills, and positive (affective) attitudes
such as self-trust, imagination when effectively implemented.
关键词:Key Words: Creative drama, drama education, prospective teachers, teacher training