摘要:In the summers of 1957-58, somatometrical and somatoscopical investigations were made on the present Ainu of Shari in Kitami province, Hokkaido.In comparison with the Ainu of other provinces, Shari-Ainu was higher in stature and slightly shorter in leg length, biacromial and biiliac diameters. The mean values of the head length and the cephalic index of the Shari-Ainu were 189.67mm and 79.83 respectively, showing that their head is shorter and far greater in cephalic index than those of the other Ainu. The most distinctive traits of the Shari-Ainu were larger facial and nasal height.So far as metrical values are concerned, Shari-Ainu tended to differ from the pure Ainu and resemble to the Japanese in the north-east district of Japan, suggesting that the Shari-Ainu is closely mixed with the Japanese. The cephalic characteristics of the Shari-Ainu seemed to suggest that they were not related to the Moyoro skulls which were excavated from the shell-mound in Abashiri.