This research article intended to investigate the moderating effect of structured task on the relationship of leadership behavior of degree college principals and their subordinates’ job satisfaction, job expectancies and acceptance of leader was investigated as described in path-goal theory. Data was collected from 637 college faculty members and 170 principals of Degree colleges situated in 34 districts of the Punjab, Pakistan. The questionnaire for this study consisted of a combination of instruments. It comprised; a) four leader behaviors b) task structure c) acceptance of leader, d) job Expectancies and e) the Job Descriptive Index. The questionnaire, which was administered to the principals, was Role Ambiguity scale and Anxiety and Stress Scale. Data was analyzed using ANCOVA through SPSS. Results were twofold as findings of five hypothesis were according to the predictions of theory while, the four hypothesis could not be verified and were found contradictory. Further tests are clearly needed for having sound evidence to evaluate the merits of the path-goal theory of leadership.