摘要:The purpose of this study is to measure the economic value in Rawapening. This study is expected to be able to see how far the role of nature tourism is seen as an environmentally sound tourist attractions. Because the benefits of natural attractions usually have a variety of natural resources such as biodiversity, benefit directly, and indirectly related to important ecological functions that are not only considered as a tourist attraction. This study was used primary data. The primary data obtained from field surveys to the perpetrator who was visiting tourist Rawapening. The analytical method used two methods. There are travel cost method and contingent valuation method. The study was found significant factors the determinant of the probability of individuals to be willing to pay a certain nominal value for environmental quality improvement are nominal amount bid, income, and education. Then, the determinant of the number of visits are an experience to visit, travel costs, income, age, and perception. The economic value of ecotourism was estimated at Rp 7,41 billion for consumer surplus and Rp 1,65 billion for total benefit per year. This implies that the significant economic value of nature based tourism will be lost from any large scale development by degrading natural environment.