摘要:Cell signalling pathways play a crucial role in proper cell development and behaviour, with implications to survival, chemotaxis, proliferation, and even programmed cell death known as apoptosis. In this article, we outline a mathematical model of the G-protein signalling pathway in a particular cell line of macrophages, focusing on activation of a particular G-protein-coupled receptor, P2Y6. The model is based on the kinetics of P2Y6 surface receptors, inositol trisphosphate, cytosolic calcium, and differential dynamics of multiple species of diacylglycerol. Insight into the dynamics of the system is given through recently available experimental results and incorporated into the model. Mathematical analysis of the model, including establishment of global existence, uniqueness, positivity, and boundedness of solutions, and global stability of a unique steady-state solution is discussed.
关键词:cellular signalling pathways; second messengers; diacylglycerol; mathematical modelling; nonlinear analysis