期刊名称:Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity
出版社:Universität Trier, Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Computer-Forschung
摘要:In this paper we study the Boolean Knapsack problem (KPR)
aTx=1, x01n with real coefficients, in the framework
of the Blum-Shub-Smale real number computational model \cite{BSS}.
We obtain a new lower bound
nlognf(1amin) for the time
complexity of this problem, as well as an
nlognf(bamin) lower time
complexity bound for the classical Boolean Knapsack problem aTx=b, x01n
with positive integer coefficients. Here n is the dimension of
the problem, amin is the minimal coefficient in the input,
and f is any continuous function of one variable.
These lower bounds appear as alternatives to the well known lower
bound (n2) which applies to both cases.
We also construct certain algorithms for KPR. We suggest
a way of defining the concept of a pseudopolynomial algorithm for
KPR and design such an algorithm. On integer inputs
this algorithm is pseudopolynomial according to the classical
complexity theory. Overall, it is seen as superior to the
classical dynamic programming algorithm. Finally, we present two
algorithms with running times O(n2) and
O(n(amin)) , respectively, with each finding an
approximation solution with an absolute error .