摘要:The purpose of this study is to find out what the supervising teacher brings to the student- teacher. Expectations for student-teachers are high, as described in both the scientific literature and Québec’s department of education documents. This article presents a case study. It examines the comments of a supervising teacher about his role during the secondary level pedagogical reform period, and his perception of what he contributes to his student-teacher’s training. The perceptions of the student-teacher are also analysed. The analysis of the data collected through individual, semi-structured interviews shows little agreement between the perceptions of the two dyad partners. The interpretation of this result is not unequivocal. It gives free rein to many questions on the relational dynamic within the dyad. It also raises questions on the use of the interview as a tool for investigating mental objects, which are ideas and perceptions. Exploring the viewpoints of the research participants is confirmed as a valuable means of doing an in-depth analysis of a situation or phenomenon.