摘要:As the title suggests, Johdatus kielitieteeseen [Introduction to Linguistics]
is an introduction to linguistics. According to the authors, the aim of the
book is to familiarize the reader with the nature and study of language (p.
8). The book is written from a typological perspective, looking at world
languages as well as the language situation in Finland.
Johdatus kielitieteeseen is divided into three main parts, which are
further divided into a total of 10 chapters. Part One introduces the reader to
the variety of languages spoken around the world, and the relationships
between them. This part is subdivided into 4 chapters. As the book has an
overall typological perspective, the first chapter consists of a presentation
of the language situation in the world, i.e. how many, and what kind of
languages there are. In chapter 2, different ways of categorizing languages
are introduced. Chapter 3 introduces world languages continent by
continent, and the language situation in Finland. The fourth chapter takes
us into the future by looking at the prospects of, and the possible threats to,
world languages.