出版社:Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS)
摘要:Form-focused teaching methods (derived from Focus-on-Form theory and methodologies) incorporate proactive interventions as well as exercises and activities that might be more familiar to grammar-based instructors. Form-focused methods attempt to direct the attentional (cognitive) resources of the student to a specific point of grammar within a specific communicative context. Adopting a form-focused mentality will not be difficult for most teachers and students; the adjustment lies in the perspective one adopts concerning these activities and when they are used during the lessons. There are many Focus-on-Form and form-focused methods, both reactive and proactive. Of those we have investigated, visual highlighting, or enhanced input, and indirect corrective feedback with recasting offer a set of intriguing possibilities for the intermediate Latin classroom, where the conflict between the demands of reading and interpreting complex texts and the constraints of students' cognitive resources becomes most apparent.