Poverty is a concept that concerns the individual. However, the most common poverty indicator—income (or expenditures)—is measured at the household level and then simply divided by the number of members, or “adult equivalents,” in the household to obtain individual values. This assumes that all household members share fortunes and misfortunes equally, which is particularly problematic in the case of children. Parental altruism might lead some adults to sacrifice part of their resources in favor of their children. Alternatively, as a survival strategy, some parents may sacrifice the weakest of their children. This paper uses a recent and innovative Bangladeshi survey, including detailed information on individual calorie intake, to shed light on two questions. First, what is the role played by intra- household allocations in mitigating or exacerbating child poverty? Second, what is the scale of the measurement errors resulting from not considering intra-household allocation in the measurement of child poverty?