期刊名称:Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education
出版社:Pamukkale Univ Dept Sci Education
The purpose of this study was to develop a questionnaire to measure student teachers’
perception of digital learning objects. The participants included 308 voluntary senior
students attending courses in a college of education of a public university in Turkey. The
items were extracted to their related factors by the principal axis factoring method. The
results showed a 3 factor solution: Perceived Educational Merit, Perceived Use and
Development in the Class, and Perceived Accessibility. Descriptive results revealed that
preservice teachers think learning objects are easy to develop, use, and access; have an
educational value; and are useful in teaching and learning. Replications with different
samples are recommended to enhance and validate the questionnaire. Similar studies are
also recommended to reveal innovative uses of learning objects in teacher education.