i. Early stage instruction in braille was given to an infant(E.M.(female)), who was suffering from severe partial-seeing, from the age of 1 year 2 months to 4 years 9 months. The subject showed normal mental development and also a degree of spontaneity sufficiently high to enable her to perform well in the exercises described in part 1. Beginning with a comparatively rough training of the whole finger operation, we aimed at developing the subject's tactile perception including moving tactile perception, which mainly depends upon the sensitivity of the finger tip, so that she could distinguish small, fine objects. ii. The final stage started with instruction in the number, arrangement, and position of the dots and the regularity of the position, developing in the subject a perception of the form composed by the dots. With this step-by-step, first fundamental instruction in braille, the subject attained the ability by the age of 4 years 1 month, to read with her finger normal sized braille of the "ア" series, "カ" and "キ", as well as words composed of these letters and already part of the subject's vocabulary. By the age of 4 years 9 months, the subject was able to read a)the braille of "ク", "ケ", "コ" and the "サ", "タ", "ナ" and "ハ" series and even, b)with some help, tangible, braille-written, picture books.