Although exclusionary discipline has been linked to a variety of negative student outcomes,
it continues to be utilized by schools. This study investigates two critical variables
as they relate to exclusionary discipline: School typology (i.e., urban, rural, suburban) and student ethnicity. Using data from 326 Ohio school districts, a MANCOVA
followed by univariate ANCOVAS was used to examine the main effects of ethnicity
and school typology on exclusionary discipline rates as well as their interactive effects. Results indicate that when controlling for student poverty level: (a) African American students are disproportionally represented as recipients of exclusionary discipline;
(b) major urban very-high-poverty schools utilize these practices most frequently;
and (c) disciplinary disproportionality was most evident in major urban districts with very-high-poverty and was least evident in rural districts with a small student population and low poverty. Implications for research and practice are discussed.