Turkey, as one of the participating countries working to create the European Higher Education Area, has also placed an emphasis on the role and responsibilities of higher education institutions to their community. As we know, one purpose of higher education institutions is to serve the community. Therefore YÖK revised the curriculum of 4-year teacher training programs in accordance with the Bologna Process (Yavuz & Sakar, 2009). There are several declarations both in Europe and UnitedTurkey, as one of the participating countries working to create the European Higher Education Area, has also placed an emphasis on the role and responsibilities of higher education institutions to their community. As we know, one purpose of higher education institutions is to serve the community. Therefore YÖK revised the curriculum of 4-year teacher training programs in accordance with the Bologna Process (Yavuz & Sakar, 2009). There are several declarations both in Europe and United States of America such as Bologna Declaration (1988), Strasbourg Declaration (2006) and Presidents’ Fourth of July Declaration (1999) which emphasize the importance of higher education institutions’ role in improving the quality of community life. To achieve this goal, higher education institutions need to engage with their communities through administrators, faculty, staff and students (Yavuz & Sakar, 2009). Wade (1997) states that community service teaches the youth how to work voluntarily and how they gain a strong citizenship consciousness with the activities they involve.
States of America such as Bologna Declaration (1988