This study examined the gains in student affect, vocabulary, and reading fluency for 110
university students in an extensive reading program in Japan. It was important to measure all of
these dimensions within a single study and teaching methodology, so gains could be
appropriately compared against each other. The adopted teaching methodology was a
communicative one which stressed a number of in-class activities with out-of-class reading, with
reading speed, vocabulary, and comprehension measured over the course of a semester, and
paired sample t-tests were conducted using pre- and post-test scores on six variables. Students
were also clustered in higher-level and lower-level groups to determine if they differed in their
learning rates. Results indicated that affect increased substantially, while fluency increased
minimally, and vocabulary did not increase at all. Paired sample t-tests indicated that the lowerlevel
students gained more in terms of fluency than the higher level students