出版社:Universidade Federal do Parana̧, Departamento de Psicologia
摘要:Studies about the use of space to play in open environments have shown that boys and girls showdifferences in play, preference for certain kinds of spaces and in how they organize themselves. Thisstudy proposes to describe and discuss ways to use space in two playgrounds in the city of Salvador,prioritizing the issues associated with how girls and boys use them to play. Sessions of observationwere registered, through focus on cursive records of the event of play and scanning observations inTororo’s Dock and Campo Grande. There were no significant differences in the presence of boys andgirls. Children played predominantly using physical exercise, with differences in the frequency ofparticipation of segregated and mixed groups. Differences were found in the use of space based ongender, linked to the size of the available spaces and the adult’s presence.