期刊名称:The Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa (JSDA)
出版社:Institute of Sustainable Development in Africa
摘要:This paper explores the theory and concept of environmental stewardship in light of the development and management of the
peri-urban space drawing some striking lessons for urban governance and management in Epworth, a peri-urban town,
satellite to Harare, the capital city of Harare. Different thematic dimensions embedded in stewardship are elucidated. Key
aspects in the discourse show that different stakeholders in place stewardship espouse different values, philosophies and
attitudes with regards to the way they perceive the place of their dwelling (habitat), professional inclination, livelihoods
development as well as traditionalism. It is recommended that each constituency should be treated in disparate and distinct
theoretical analysis yet fostering consensus building among all the actors for the betterment of the place in question. This is
critical in the making of germane ground for place stewardship whose making is by nothing but consensus, nurturing
collective values and fostering unity of purpose by strategic visioning. By so doing it is hoped that sustainability of the place
in terms the ecological health, effective resource pooling and utilization as well as strengthening of the socio-political
dimensions of development will be advanced in the unstable and rickety peri-urban areas.