Network technology smooth the progress of communication system in a sophisticated manner at the same time it braves are increased from the huntsman. In communication process, user’s connectivity, violations of policy on access of information are handles through intrusion. Intrusion prevention is the process of performing intrusion detection and attempting to stop detected possible incidents. It focused on identifying possible incidents, logging information about them, attempting to stop them, and reporting them to security administrators. However, organizations use Intrusion detection and prevention system (IDPS) for other purposes, such as identifying problems with security policies, documenting existing threats, and deterring individuals from violating security policies. Now a days IDPSs have become a necessary addition to the security infrastructure of nearly every organization. In this paper describes about Simple Network Management Protocol Application Level Gateway (SNMP ALG) protocol sequences which is used to detect the intrusion on hybrid network and its attributes and recommend the standardized (SNMP ALG) protocol for the intrusion detection process