The present study deals with the macro and microscopical studies of Tridax procumbens Linn.leaf. Some distinct characters were observed while studying their transverse sections. Macroscopically, the leaf’s shape was lanceolate to ovate measuring 7 cm long and 1-4 cm wide with irregularly serrate margin and pubscent on both sides. Microscopically, the midrib and laminar region showed a distinct epidermis. The upper epidermis was bilayer, with a small, rounded shape, covering multicellular trichome and the lower epidermis had single layer, elongated cells, arranged closely. Physiochemical and preliminary phytochemical studies of the leaf were also carried out. The present study might be useful to supplement information in regard to its identification parameters.
Keywords : Leaf; Macroscopical; Microscopical; Tridax procumbens.
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