期刊名称:Discussion Papers in Economics / Department of Economics, University of Surrey
出版社:University of Surrey
摘要:We provide a tool for estimating DSGE models by BayesianMaximum-likelihood meth-
ods under very general information assumptions. This framework is applied to a New
Keynesian model where we compare the standard approach, that assumes an informa-
tional asymmetry between private agents and the econometrician, with an assumption
of informational symmetry. For the former, private agents observe all state variables
including shocks, whereas the econometrician uses only data for output, inflation and
interest rates. For the latter both agents have the same imperfect information set and
this corresponds to what we term the ‘informational consistency principle’. We first
assume rational expectations and then generalize the model to allow some households
and firms to form expectations adaptively. We find that in terms of model posterior
probabilities, impulse responses, second moments and autocorrelations, the assumption
of informational symmetry by rational agents significantly improves the model fit. We
also find qualified empirical support for the heterogenous expectations model.