摘要:Summary (Reproductive health of immigrant women in the Lazio region of Italy). - The number of legal
immigrant women living in the Lazio region of Italy has increased in recent years; there were 69 320
“permessi di soggiorno” (temporary residence permits) issued in 1992 but 119 778 issued in 2000. This
analysis concerns women who left hospital after having a live birth, an induced abortion or a spontaneous
abortion. The foreign women were compared with all (Italian and foreign) women living in Lazio. The
general fertility rate is slightly higher among all women resident in Lazio than among the foreign women,
but the latter have a higher rate at ages 18-24 years. The risk of induced abortion is higher (34.8/1000 women)
among the foreigners than among all residents (10.5/1000 women). The spontaneous abortion ratio was also
higher among the foreigners (213.8/1000 live births) than the residents (154.6/1000 live births). There is clear
evidence of an increase in the demand from foreign women for medical services for reasons associated with
reproduction. The provision of these services needs to be modified to take account of their particular needs