摘要:Summary (The Istituto Superiore di Sanità, organism in charge of the assessment and accreditation of test
facilities for the control of food commodities). - Laboratories in charge of food control play a pivotal role within
the actions planned for the safety of food products, the latter identified as a fundamental strategic priority in the
European Union Food safety white paper 2000. They are demanded to comply with specific criteria to demonstrate
the use of an appropriate quality system, technical competence and production of technically reliable and valid
results. Precise guidance is set forth in the Italian law DL.vo 156/97 which requires that official test laboratories
should comply with European Standard UNI CEI EN 45001, currently replaced by UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025,
and with some of the OECD principles of good laboratory practice. The Istituto Superiore di Sanità, the Italian
National Health Institute, was designated by the Ministerial Decree of 12 May 1999 as the organism responsible
for evaluation and accreditation of official food product control laboratories
关键词:Key words: official control of food products, laboratories, accreditation.